Borrowed scenery 借景

Borrowed scenery is an interesting Japanese concept of relating to a public space as yours to share and enjoy. If a person sees a green mountain or hill from his home, he is lucky, and will definitely relate to it as part of his space and tiny garden.

As an example of borrowed scenery for artistic needs, for the workshops I give in Tokyo, I decided to do an art project in Kyoto on the Kamogawa riverbank. The site is a very social lively environment of Kyoto. People walk, run, film, play music and talk all day and night around the long paths on both sides of the river.

I utilized the river banks as my borrowed studio for the time I was there last autumn. 

I brought slides form my studio which were “posing” in many spots.

I also brought a Roman stone engraved with the Hebrew word “stone” on it by the artists Zohar Julles


borrowed (3) borrowed borrowed (2)



One Response

  1. Hi Nona! I love the idea of transporting nature from one country to another. It’s speaks volumes of what is going on in our world today. If only we could all be so beautiful and peaceful….

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