What is this blog about?


My first memory of collecting and organizing knowledge is from the age of six. In a new notebook, I wrote all I knew about my ancestors and the pyramids. Since it felt important, I buried it in the courtyard for people of the future to find and know what happened here.

I probably still do the same; Blog as Artwork on the Internet is The perfect art-media, where time – place – facts and fiction merge.

I dig in my memory for images and fragments of archetypes, some are also universal. This is where I can meet Euclid in a zen garden, or talk to William Kentridge about our life in the studio.

I am aiming towards a biennale dedicated to Ancient Alexandria Library.

Blog as Artwork is a tiny echo of what I see in my mind’s eyes: many artists creating  personal mirrors to what was displayed at the ancient Library, digging within, finding and reflecting upon lost knowledge.

I try to find a curator, who will be interested to metaphorically revive ancient Alexandria’s library. To present the physical art in a biennialparallely to a cleverly organized, and archived website, accessible for a everyone.

Books shall not be burned down again.

You are welcome to comment about this idea, or send it to someone who might be interested.



Incessant Mezuzah, extract.

This  video artwork is a part of the permanent collection of the Jewish Museum in New York



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