Borrowed scenery: The Law of Preservation

The law of Preservation of Matter teaches us that nothing is added or deleted from the sum of matter in the cosmos, it only changes place and form. I participate in this change. Feathers picked on my morning walks in Israel were flown in a large iron bird and spread in the Kumano Kodo path in Japan, […]

Japan is the land of suggestions

  Suggestion for painting and gluing Suggestion for relaxing your bare feet in a shrine Autumn suggested in your plate   Framing suggestion Shadow suggestion Suggestion of space httpv://  Suggestion for ritual httpv://

Borrowed scenery 借景

Borrowed scenery is an interesting Japanese concept of relating to a public space as yours to share and enjoy. If a person sees a green mountain or hill from his home, he is lucky, and will definitely relate to it as part of his space and tiny garden. As an example of borrowed scenery for artistic needs, […]

MU 無

Strolling the streets of Kyoto on a rainy November day I came to Kami-goryo shrine. No one was around except a for persist who fixed something in the water basin. And then I saw this MU….  

Offering – מנחה

  לכל הגשה יש נמען. מתקיימת תנועה ממני אל הזולת בהגשה יש כוונה. זו תנועה שמבקשת להעביר מסר.  תנועה ממני אליך ולכן, האופן בו מוגש דבר מה משפיעה על המקבל לעיתים זו  מנחה בסטודיו נוכחת כוונת  הגשה הסטודיו הוא עולם של דיבור בהגשות, במנחות סטודיו זו תורת ההנחה מנוחה לנפש מינחה לנפש   Every offering […]

Jikkoin Temple 実光院 at Ohara, 2015

Shorei Yatsugake, Shin no kyorei or “True Spirit” (Shakuhachi Flute)

Jikkoin Temple 実光院  Ohara, 25.11,2015; musicians and dancers are getting ready in a tiny room. The guests enjoy the garden. First guests will soon be served matcha tea and a sweet. Iori Kolar and musicians are ready. Makiko Sakurai sings and plays Shirabyoshi. Makiko’s performance Nona Orbach offers nine moon pool for the guests to walk […]

Kyoto Haiku, 2014

Walking in the shade of the eaves- I recieve a single haiku   Mitsu Suzuki The secrets of kyoto 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6,  7

Kyoto Haiku, 2014

Walking this path- I choose one patch of sunlight after another   Mitsu Suzuki The secrets of kyoto 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6,  7