Salvage archaeology 2

The time after an exhibition – is fragile, so I am wondering around my studio trying to find a question, a path. I am thinking about the title Salvage Archaeology, I named one of my Readymades at Jerusalem. I pick my smart phone and use it as a shovel to excavate structures within my own […]

After Dimitris Pikionis

Images of Dimitris Pikionis’s pavements around the Acropolis are still resonating within. My hands found a method to pave my way closer to the impressions: sellotaped drawings 12X21cm, pens and Japanese ink. Here are a few of about 60 collages. More about Dimitris Pikionis and Euclid  

Cypress trees

Cypress trees from my studio. Cypress trees near my home.   Cypress trees in Jerusalem. Cypress tree at the Acropolis. Votive Boat- a model, a find from Tel-Nona, 2001 A boat carrying cypress trees, 2009. Ink and engravings on wood. Cypress trees are a Mediterranean symbol of eternity and death. More variations on boat carrying […]


The Mediterranean views, land and sea, in art and literature – are a part of me; If I contemplate on them from above as of from a plane – they turn out to be abstract. When I observe them from the side, they become symbolic. If I apply blue, I bring the ocean and sweet water […]


Sun rise at 32* latitude; It is a morning view from my studio window. If I keep on walking East towards 35* – I will find Kyoto and paper prayers folded neatly in shrines.

Ptolemaic Alexandria

Prof. Henao-san mentioned in his mail “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan.  The book influenced his life and perhaps is responsible for his travels to Egypt to find health books originated in ancient knowledge. He also mentioned “Ptolemaic Alexandria” by Fraser. I borrowed the three volume books about Alexandria from a library on the shore of Lake […]