Salvage archaeology 2

The time after an exhibition – is fragile, so I am wondering around my studio trying to find a question, a path.

I am thinking about the title Salvage Archaeology, I named one of my Readymades at Jerusalem.

I pick my smart phone and use it as a shovel to excavate structures within my own paperwork.

Sadly enough they seem relevant to our tensed political time.

The ground is flying in the air and is too little even for one tree…

August 2013

For Rivka Bakalash

4 Responses

  1. “Sadly enough they seem relevant to our tensed political time.
    The ground is flying in the air and is too little even for one tree…”

    Yes. But the people say No! Hopefully they will prevail.

    We live minute by minute, waiting to see what our “leader” is going to do. War is not the answer.

  2. Dear Nona!
    “Post is always a Pre of something new”…
    An island of “the Little Prince” is a whole wide world
    with a tree planted on streams of waters.
    (“Water is always written in plural”, Duchamp)
    Thanks Rivka.

  3. הציורים יפים ורגישים.
    הרגשה של מעין מקלט עם אנטנה, להודיע לנו אם כבר ירד מפלס המים.

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