Mound Hacker on his way to Rome

My late grandfather, the architect  Issac Kipnis, was the first to tell me the story of the burnt  library of Alexandria. I was eight years old.
The lost knowledge of the western world intrigued me ever since.
I will be lecturing at The Arts and Sociaty Conference at Rome this week. Mound Hacker, will be probably restless, trying to pull me out of the lecture halls,  and persuade me to find some  fine archeological sites to place his ostracons around, as a memory of the lost knowledge.

My grandfather would have been amused by this artistic project. I take him on this journey by using his cigar box.


We all hope people who  find them will be interested enough to enter the link and through this rabbit hole  enter the ancient library  defying  time and place.

Perhaps the archeologists working there today will be interested to collaborate with us as  

Dr. Helen Wickstead and the Rocdam Project did. You can see her burrying a few ceramic ostarcons I sent her at an archaelogical site in the UK.


Mound  Hacker’ journey at Rome can be followed on Instegram: #moundhackerinrome




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