Mound Hacker at Tel Megiddo

While driving near home, I notice archeologists’ tents on one of the yellowish fields on the slopes of Tel Megiddo.

Is there real history hiding under the cropped barley?

The guard who says they will be excavating for three  more days only.

Tel Megiddo is a very special archaeological mound; its  27  layres are orgenized well as a cake, especially for excavations.

It is also known as Armageddon Will the end of the world start here ?

So what is more real; The cows that are concentrating on their eating?  The beautiful afternoon light and the good crops of this field? The underneath restless distant memories of Roman soldiers?

I leave a ceramic shrad,  for the archaelogists to stumble on. They might notice it in the morning as they hang the black sheets as tents above the excavation pits shading them from the summer sun.

I just came back from Italy  leaving ceramic shards at Pompeii and Herulanume. Now I belive: Romans were really here too!

I visit again on the last day of excavation. Many people busy all around!

I am greeted with a big smile by Matthew  J.  Adams the director of Jezreel Valley Regional Project.

So many volonteers from around the world came to find ancient stories in this soil.

They did find the shards and visited this Blog!

Andrew hands me his card; I offer him a ceramic key shard.

Reality meets fiction.


Mound Hacker around the world: Mound hacker – the concept of this going art project, Mound hacker- Tel Yokneam, Mound hacker‏-Castel dell Ovo, Naples, Italy, Mound hacker – Herculaneum, Mound hacker- Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum, Italy , Mound Hacker in Japan

Mound Hacker world map



3 Responses

  1. Wonderful photos as usual, Nona. I love the cows grazing and the barley growing, the here and now and then the amazing hidden stories underneath.

    Who is the fellow with the little baby? That is indeed the present. It all does begin to get a little surreal.

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