Happy blog day!

Since 2007, bloggers from around the world are celebrating an international blog day on the 31/8/. I chose to share with you the ones I love most, some in Hebrew, but still beautiful images. Each of them, as they arrive to my mailbox or to my Instegram, give me pleasure and interest. I deeply appreciate the hard work involved.

1. Jochai Rosen– is dealing mostly with Israeli Photography modestly and thoroughly writes about Israeli photography. I can deeply relate to the archive he is diligently building- as l love archives.  https://zioror.wordpress.com/


2. Orit Arif – draws funny and witty comics and illustrations. She deals with parenting, being a couple and basic life issues from a human point of view, which she expresses with a sharp pencil. I hope her work be translated soon.  https://www.oritarif.com/blog/

orit arif_1

3. The RocDam Project: archaeology and art in th UK. Dr. Helen Wickstead is a real archaeologist and I wrote a post about how we met. I did send her keys to ancient Alexandria Library which she buried for future archaeologists to find. We will write about it soon. Meanwhile, you can follow the progress of a community project based on Rockbourne Roman Villa and the Damerham prehistoric burial complex, in South West Hampshire. https://rocdam.wordpress.com/

helen and crue

4.  Sarah Gillespie – Wonderful wonderful artist! I love and appreciate her excellent art which I can see only through the Internet.  https://sarahgillespieartist.blogspot.co.uk/

Sarah Gillespie

5. Dar­ius Arya digs  another real archaelogist  saving Rome. I found him through Instegram, hoping to leave a shard at one of the sites he digs… https://dariusaryadigs.com/


6. Rebecca Taylor brings to my Medteranean ancient world a taste on New York. I love her Instegram pictures. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-taylor




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