Borrowed scenery: The Law of Preservation

The law of Preservation of Matter teaches us that nothing is added or deleted from the sum of matter in the cosmos, it only changes place and form. 
I participate in this change. 
Feathers picked on my morning walks in Israel were flown in a large iron bird and spread in the Kumano Kodo path in Japan, October 2018. 
I am borrowing the scenery as a temporary gallery for the feathers which are documented and photographed, transformed into pixels. 
Are pixels matter? 
Will anyone passing by notice that the feathers are not those of local birds?





Borrowed scenery 借景

Moon Viewing in Kyoto – site specific art

2 Responses

  1. Hi Nona. Long time without reaching you and today I have to say, YOUR FEATHERS HAVE REACH ME Here IN MEXICO. I recibe today a mail from your blog. I am soo moved by it. The feathers that you pick in Israel have also landed here!!! On the other side of the world (or continent?) there’s a soul that touches mine and give me a breeze of inspiration. Eternally greatfull . I wish you happiness and joy every day.
    Rossy Faisal Art therapist. Mexico City .

    1. Thank you so much Rossy!
      All the way to Mexico City!!
      It is wonderful how a movement can be also a mater of thought or angle of looking at things alone.
      Isn’t that what therapy is all about?

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