Be my guest: Sappho and Orly Portal Dance Company


BE MY GUEST is a venue for others to share their art; I assemble between creators in my sitting room. On the Internet linear time and  locality are not relevant. Therefore, Sappho and Orly Portal meet here in poetry and dance.

I wish we had more of Sappho’s work with us today. So little is left. I miss her as if I knew her. She is definitely one of the main pillars of my project  Reviving Ancient Alexandria library through artists’ artwork.

Orli Portal as dancer and teacher is a deeply inspiring person. I feel Sappho would love to see their dance. Perhaps she would have contributes a poem for them.

As I perceive the group’s movement lit with archaic women spirit- it is routed in my mind with Sappho’s lines about the moon.





The gleaming stars all about the shining moon

Hide their bright faces when full-orbed and splendid

In the sky, she floats, flooding the shadowed earth

with clear silver light.


I wish to thank Shimon Buzaglo, a poet who translations from Ancient Greek to Hebrew and annotation of “Someone, I say, will remember us, The Collected Poems of Sappho” are inspiring.

The Hebrew text is a scan from the book.

4 Responses

  1. Nona,
    The Saffo poem and the dance……Ohy….
    The dance is incredible!
    It is so sensual that I can smell their bodies and perfumes. It is such a “beyond time”
    dance and embracing all cultures.
    Would love to see them and hear them.
    Thank you

  2. נפלא,

    קבוצת אמזונות השתחררה מהשיש
    בתנועות אגן קטנות, קפלי שמלתן רוטטות.

    אך השתחררו מהאבן,
    סיבבן כדור הארץ לארבע הרוחות.

  3. בלילה לא יכולתי להרדם וחשבתי שוב על הריקוד הנפלא שהזכיר לי יציאה של פרפר מהפקעת
    כנפיו רוטטות ליבושם והוא עף לחלל

    לאיטו נבקע קוקון השיש
    משחרר נשים בלבן
    בתנועות קטנטנות נעות הן
    כנפי שמלתן רוטטות, גם אגן..
    מלאו חזן בחמצן טרי
    פתחו בריקוד סביב עולם

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